Plugin &laquo; Under Construction &raquo; - commentaires Plugin « Under Construction » 2007-01-27T23:56:57Z 2007-01-27T23:56:57Z <p>Hi,</p> <p>Someone around you may have had the following error message when using this plugin :</p> <p><code class="spip_code spip_code_inline" dir="ltr">Fatal error : Call to undefined function : charset2unicode() in /home/nouveaup/www/plugins/en_travaux/mes_options_en_travaux.php on line 26</code></p> <p>Please note that the problem has been identified and was rectified. A Commit has been done on SPip-Zone to correct this. The new Zip should be available on Sunday 01/28/2007 in the morning.</p> <p>If you have installed a previous version of the plugin, you should upgrade it as soon as possible<small class="fine d-inline"> </small>;)</p> <p>Bye.</p>